About Us

Born out of the MacArthur Foundation’s 100&Change competition, Changing the Way We Care℠ was launched in October 2018 as a global initiative to solve one of the World’s greatest global issues – children growing up outside of family care.

Changing the Way We Care’s℠ fundamental belief is that all children deserve to grow up in family homes rather than in residential care centers – sometimes referred to as “orphanages” – and this is possible no matter where the child lives or what his or her challenges may be. Since October 2018, we have been actively working to make this a reality.

Changing the Way We Care is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the GHR Foundation and other private donors. We work with national governments as well as other partners, including the Better Care Network and the Faith to Action Initiative. We collaborate closely with individuals, coalitions, NGOs, policy makers, country governments, and those who have aged out of residential care.

Our Three Core Objectives:

  • For people worldwide to commit to family-based care through advocacy, promoting awareness, and knowledge sharing that advances policies, best practices and the redirection of resources toward care for children in families.
  • For governments to promote family care through the improvement and implementation of policies, workforce investment, national and community systems strengthening and redirection of resources.
  • For children to stay in or return to families through family strengthening interventions that consider children, families, care leavers and local communities and lead to the repurposing or closure of residential care.

Changing the Way We Care is now part of the MacArthur Foundation’s Bold Solutions Network. This recognizes the initiative as part of a pool of highly rated, rigorously evaluated proposals or, “bold solutions,” that emerged from the first and second rounds of MacArthur’s 100&Change competitions. You can find Changing the Way We Care’s landing page within the Bold Solutions Network here for more information.

Our greatest asset is the team we have assembled which brings expertise, experience, knowledge and passion to changing the way we care. See more about them below.

If you’d like to learn more about Changing the Way We Care, please continue to explore our website and follow us on Twitter.


Meet Some of Our Team

Anne Smith

Anne Smith is the Global Director for the Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC). She brings 25 years of strategic leadership of programs and initiatives aimed at strengthening vulnerable children, their families, and their communities to the position. The majority of Anne’s professional experience was spent in the field, including longer term assignments in Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Mali, Zambia, and the broader Southern Africa Region. Anne returned to CRS Headquarters in the summer of 2015 to lead global strategy for CRS’ Overseas Operations Division, and to serve as the liaison for CRS’ Board of Directors and its Overseas Operations Committee. As the CRS Deputy Regional Director for Southern Africa, Anne drove strategy and led all technical and programmatic assistance for 10 CRS country programs in the region aimed at building the resilience of vulnerable families and communities. Prior to her time in Southern Africa, Anne spent six years in Rwanda as the Country Director for Global Communities (formerly CHF International) and Chief of Party/Project Director for two successive multi-sectoral USAID/PEPFAR-funded programs supporting vulnerable children and their families and communities towards strengthened resiliency and livelihoods in 20 districts of the country. This included capacity strengthening and organizational development for over 18 Rwandan organizations, and social welfare systems strengthening with the Rwandan Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion, as well as support to the Ministries of Health, Agriculture and Animal Resources, Local Government, Youth, and Education. As the CRS Country Representative for Burkina Faso and Mali, Anne led large-scale education, economic strengthening, and agriculture programs supporting vulnerable families and communities in the Sahel, with particular focus on girls and young women. Anne speaks French and conversational Kinyarwanda.

Andrea (Drew) Rogers

Andrea (Drew) Rogers is the Global Operations Director for Changing the Way We Care, responsible for support services that relate to program activities. Drew delivers effective, efficient HR, Finance, procurement, and award and risk management. She also coordinates the link from business development to implementation, enabling expansion through on the ground presence and through partner relationships. Drew brings extensive experience in Operations to the role, having led many cross-agency systems change initiatives during her tenure as sr. director for CRS’ Overseas Operations Operational Excellence Department. She has also been a chief of party and a deputy country representative in CRS programs in Africa, the Middle East, and India.

Kelley Bunkers

Kelley is the Senior Technical Advisor for Changing the Way We Care. Kelley has three decades of engaging in child care and protection. She has been involved in the design, implementation and evaluation of alternative care programming, research and advocacy in Latin America, Eastern Europe and Africa. She has worked for UNICEF, USAID, private foundations, national governments and international and local NGOs in support of safe and nurturing family-based care for children. Kelley is a member of the Better Care Network Steering Committee and a board member of Faith to Action. She is a regular contributor to articles and book chapters on child rights, care and protection. She currently lives in the US with her family having just relocated after 28 years of living in Ecuador, Romania, St. Lucia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Ethiopia and Kenya.

Ludmila Ungureanu

Ludmila Ungureanu is Changing the Way We Care Moldova’s Chief of Party. She is a development professional with over 20 years of experience in organizational and program management, focusing on social protection and good governance programs. Prior to joining the CTWWC initiative, Ludmila managed child protection programs with Terre des hommes Moldova, decentralization policy reform programs with IREX, and civil society development programs with the American Bar Association/Central and Eastern Law Initiative. She has worked extensively with civil society organizations, government institutions, and professional associations in Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Kirgizstan, and Belarus. Ludmila speaks Romanian, English and Russian and has a MS in Management from the SIT Graduate Institute in the United States.

Marie Blum

Marie Blum is the program manager II, Global Influence, Learning, and Communications for Changing the Way We Care. Marie coordinates CTWWC’s influence, learning and engagement (ILE) activities across the global initiative. She works with the ILE team to promote the strategic growth of the initiative and ensure public understanding of the work of CTWWC. She has 10 years of experience in advocacy and communications focused primarily on child protection, family reintegration and family strengthening. Throughout her career, she has led several policy initiatives and campaigns focused on family strengthening in the best interest of the child. She lives in the United States near Catholic Relief Services’ headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland.

Timon Mainga

Timon Mainga is the project director for Changing the Way We Care Kenya. His role provides leadership to the Changing The Way We Care Kenya team, building partnerships and collaboration within and outside the initiative. Timon has over 20 years of experience working in integrated vulnerable children and HIV programs, while empowering poor and vulnerable communities. He has vast experience and knowledge on safeguarding, education and social protection programs that focus on empowering vulnerable populations. His skills, knowledge and years of experience spread across diverse scenarios in the development sector coupled with technical and managerial experience working with and across divergent teams to achieve optimal project results. He has a deep understanding of the diverse cultures, political and socio-economic dynamics of Kenya, East Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Joanna Wakia

Joanna Wakia is the senior MEAL advisor for Changing the Way We Care. Joanna coordinates CTWWC’s monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) activities across the global initiative, working with the MEAL team. She has 15 years’ experience developing and leading monitoring, evaluation and research work focused on child protection, family reintegration and family strengthening. Joanna is committed to pioneering child-focused monitoring approaches which bring out children’s and caregivers’ experiences. She has led evaluations and research studies which focus on the complexities of family-child separation, with an emphasis on participatory approaches which place children at the center of evidence-building, while balancing robust but accessible methodologies. Joanna lives in Kenya.

Roberto Tejada

Roberto Tejada is the Program Director of Changing the Way We Care in Guatemala. He provides overall leadership for the initiative’s activities in Guatemala, as well as leading relationships with partners, strategic allies, government, faith actors and other stakeholders to achieve CTWWC’s objectives. Roberto brings extensive experience in the field of child protection, advocating for children to live in family environments rather than residential care. His expertise also includes the prevention of unnecessary family separation, family strengthening, and implementing food security programs in vulnerable communities. Over the past 18 years, Roberto has worked closely with government institutions, sub-national governments, non-governmental organizations, churches, and civil society organizations. Notably, he spent 17 years with Buckner International in Guatemala, holding positions such as Executive Director and contributing to projects in Honduras and Mexico. Roberto holds a master’s degree in business administration.

